Of Unfortunate Events (Spoilers)

A Series of Unfortunate Events, at the end, reveals that the answers don’t really change anything. At the end, the world is as it is, and the people who’ve died and fought will stay dead; nothing will change that. The ideal of finding closure is subverted. It is a sad, but beautiful ending. They have a new chance at life, a chance to nurse a new life into this world, after seeing so many lives lost amongst horrible catastrophes. Despite everything, they still have each other. And they’re alive, as Phil said once. Count Olaf, for all his crimes, died a hero’s death, even without feeling remorse. Is it an injustice that they buried him? Who knows. It’s fitting that The End takes place on an island, wherein they are finally free from a ludicrous society. They’re no longer hunted as they were, and are free from disguises. It’s a final chapter in one particular saga, the location driving the conclusion. Their isolation from society, the idealized protector of freedom, enables them to be free.


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