Oddworld Soulstorm Thoughts

Oddworld Soulstorm thoughts (spoilers) There are spoilers here. I have been waiting so long for this game! It’s been four years. Additionally, Oddworld hasn’t made an original story since 2005. Did it live up to the wait? In story terms, somewhat. In game terms, no. I also have a big problem with the game that I'll get to. I love this franchise so much and I’m glad to see more stuff from the franchise. There were some good things and some bad things. There have been so many promises and so many things have been hyped up; the game does completely not live up to the hype and the promises. I also wonder how experiencing the game would have been like without the four years of trailers and preparation. My main interest in this game was for the story, so that’s my focus. I’ll go over the good things first. Regarding positives, I appreciate Abe’s characterization. It’s more human, and it does a great job at showing his intended empathy. At the start, he doesn’t want to...