The Star Wars Saga: The Clone Wars
The 2008 Star Wars: The Clone Wars Cartoon Network is an animated chapter of the Star Wars saga that has acquired a dedicated fanbase, and for good reason. The show is made with passion, and many elements are better done in the series than in the prequel trilogy themselves. The animated series has six seasons, with a seventh coming soon. It takes place in-between episodes 2-3, set around the Clone Wars, a rarely-seen event of the series that nonetheless has a huge impact, in the context of the Star Wars universe itself. What happens in the Clone Wars defines the political lore of the series. One benefit of being a show versus a movie means that there is an ensemble cast rather than a couple fixed protagonists. Some episodes can focus on Anakin and Ahsoka, others on Obi-Wan, others on other Jedi, others on troops, and others on politics. Because of this shifting perspective, the show can feel like an anthology. This keeps the show fresh, and it's interesting to see the different...