Unbreakable (Movie) Thoughts
Unbreakable is a superhero thriller film about the sole survivor of a trainwreck, questioning why he survived. David, (played by Bruce Willis) comes across an art dealer named Elijah (played by Samuel L. Jackson) who begins to convince him that he has superpowers, and who seems to be right. It was followed up by the stealth sequel "Split" with a man suffering from DID kidnapping three teenagers, and both films were concluded with the apparently middling 2019 film "Glass". SPOILERS: David does actually have superpowers and finds a new path in life helping people with them at the end. However, it turns out that Elijah was behind the train accident, as well as others, all to cement his own purpose in life by creating a hero. Unbreakable is a genuinely great deconstruction of the superhero concept, as well as a play on fate and consequent fatalism. The ludicrous static reality of “comic books” is juxtaposed against a brutally sobering, and subsequently dream-ki...